Today I was moved to tears while watching the funeral service of Shimon Peres, the giant of a man who verily straddled both the 20th and 21st centuries. While being termed naive by certain colleagues and friends regarding his passion and idealism for peace; however here was a man who moved from security hawk and transitioned to a flexible and liberal searcher and campaigner for peace.
Shudder the thought that I compare myself to Shimon Peres in his quest for peace; however over the past 30 years I have battled persistently first to mount a clinical trial to test the potential clinical efficacy of organic germanium for HIV/AIDs, then set up the Nutrition and Cancer Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, then publish Positive Health PH Online for over 22 years in the hope of achieving a closer rapprochement between drug-based and more natural treatment approaches.
As the length of toxic and life-threatening side effects from pharmaceutical drugs lengthens, so do the desire and clamour of individuals for more health-enhancing treatments, i.e. an Integrated Health System.

In a recent discussion with David Lorimer MA PGCE FRSA Programme Director of the Scientific & Medical Network, he invited me to reflect upon the past 22+ years as Editor of Positive Health PH Online.
My article, published in the September 2016 Issue 121 Network Review is the result. There is also an online version of my article with embedded hyperlinks rather than separate references.
I trust that you will enjoy reading this synopsis of what is has been like to publish PH Online over the past 22 years.