Editorial Issue 91

Inspiring, of course, because David Walker, instead of dying from his cancer and horrifically painful conventional cancer treatments as was predicted (and expected) by his oncologists, survived by working out a detoxification, herbal, nutritional and energy medicine protocol which reversed his cancer and restored him to health.

Hideous, also of course, because David Walker, by trying to help other cancer sufferers by attempting to organize research, advising patients about products in his protocol and where they could purchase them, was attacked and prosecuted, such that having suffered losses of $860,000 in one court case, he picked up himself and his family and moved to Mexico.

And, according to one of my all-time favourite books, Repression and Reform in the Evaluation of Alternative Cancer Therapies by Robert G Houston,[1,2] the entire history of the twentieth century is littered with brilliant exiled victims of vicious, insane cancer laws. Just a few names and protocols include Hoxsey, Essiac (Renee Caisse), Wobe-Mugos (Dr Hoefer-Janker), Antineoplastons (Burzynski), Laetrile (Joseph Issels MD and Ernst Krebs Jr and Sr), along with brilliant scientists and physicians including Max Gerson, Emmanuel Revici and Lawrence Burton.

Other brilliant innovators, including Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, have contributed to the battle with cancer. Despite the success of Pauling and Cameron with cancer patients in Scotland using a regime of 10 g Vitamin C,[3] the cancer establishment in the guise of Herbert Moertel of the Mayo Clinic, saw to it that for the rest of his life, Pauling received nothing but ridicule from the medical establishment, whereas chemotherapeutic agents such 5-fluoro-uracil, which were largely ineffective, became the standard cytotoxic (poisons) of conventional cancer treatment.[4]

Many others today battle on, including researchers and campaigners such as Matthias Rath[5] and innumerable foot soldiers such as Chris Gupta and Robert Kerkerk, fighting to prevent nutritional and herbal supplements and other natural products from being outlawed across the UK and the EU.[6,7] Globally, the fight continues against the leviathon organizations such as CODEX, under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Without being too immodest, I guess I consider myself also engaged in the battle, waging war to bring authoritative information to people who want to know the truth about natural health approaches.[8,9,10] I have been bloodied with the organic germanium fiasco,[11] and continue to see the tortuously slow pace at which any kind of alternative cancer treatment is even acknowledged, let alone researched or implemented.

It is obvious to every clear-seeing individual that, just as Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush didn't see Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) as the major development for declaring war upon Iraq, but were simply viewing events through the prism of 9/11, the Medical Establishment does not want to acknowledge, discuss, use or implement natural cancer treatments and will use every means at its disposal to discredit them.

My Nutrition and Cancer book[10] has just been updated and revised (>10,000 words additional research updates, new index, bibliography, Preface by Pat Pilkington MBE). Knowledge is power. Equip yourself with the information to make up your own mind about the most promising avenues of nutritional research and order your copy (see page 34) before supplies run out.


1. Houston RG. Repression and Reform in the Evaluation of Alternative Cancer Therapies. Project Cure Inc. 1987, 1989.
2. www.ralphmoss.com/houston.html;
3. Cameron E and Pauling L. Cancer and Vitamin C. Linus Pauling Institute, Menlo Park, California. 1979.
4. Richards E. Vitamin C and Cancer – Medicine or Politics. MacMillan, 1991.
5. www.drrathhealthalliance.com/index.html
6. www.newmediaexplorer.org/chris/
7. www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm?action=news&ID=2
8. Goodman S. Germanium – The Health and Life Enhancer. Thorsons. 1988. www.positivehealth.com/
9. Goodman S. Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient. Keats. 1991. www.positivehealth.com/
10. Goodman S. Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art. Health Research Ltd. 1995, 1998, 2003.
11. www.positivehealth.com/

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