Editorial Issue 6 Print Email

Here in the UK we have also witnessed a scandalous litany of scurrilous denunciations, aggressive litigation and publication of erroneous scientific data against many of the country's most prominent and worthy leading practitioners and centres of excellence.

The best defence against injustice is truth; the best strategy for optimum health is knowledge, and information about therapeutic choices and the persistence and confidence to read and listen to the experts and follow what seems to you to be the best advice for your situation.

In Positive Health we endeavour to present such enabling information, both in terms of high-quality articles and the latest published research, in order to expose shortcomings, criticise sacred cows and educate therapists about techniques outside of their particular field of expertise.

We are delighted to welcome Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, who will be sharing his considerable expertise as naturopath, osteopath, senior lecturer and author in a regular column (see page 23). Dr Chaitow, while recognising the wisdom inherent in many of the bodywork practises described within the magazine, points out the dangers for the bodywork therapist of stirring up emotional issues without adequate training and asks for the recognition, respect and acknowledgement that symptoms which present may be the person's best means of coping with his or her situation.

Other features include an interview with pioneering mind and energy expert Jack Schwarz, a new series about allergies and asthma, an excerpt from The Food Combining for Health Cookbook, more in our series on anorexia and bulimia, radionics, magnotherapy and as usual, loads of international research summaries from our complementary medicine database.

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