Editorial Issue 276 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online Issue 276, is published live 27 Jan 2022 at yet another pivotal and unfathomable point, both with regard to the coronavirus pandemic – perhaps becoming endemic – as well as possibly a perilous, even terminal juncture in Boris Johnson’s premiership, depending upon what Sue Gray’s report into Downing Street party allegations determines.

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Editorial Issue 275 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online January 2022 Issue 275 is published live on 9 Dec 2021 at a critical yet enigmatic juncture in the coronavirus pandemic – just weeks after the Omicron variant was detected.

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Editorial Issue 274 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online Issue 274 published live on 21 Oct, sees the world at a pivotal moment, not only in the present tense, but also in long-term prospects of how Planet Earth survives climate change, or not, depending upon outcomes of the imminent COP26 Glasgow Summit.

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Editorial Issue 273 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online Issue 273 is published live 9 September 2021. Amid international events including withdrawal of American and UK forces from Afghanistan, ferocious wild fires, floods and droughts apparently the result of climate-change, much of the world is still attempting to cope with COVID 19 – the  major focus of much of the media, with beyond complex and apparently unresolvable simple solutions. A few opinions beyond the mainstream media:

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Editorial Issue 272 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online Issue 272 is published live 29 July 2021, ten days following Stage 4 of the UK Road Map – 19 July when mandatory COVID restrictions were lifted. As everyone on the planet will have noticed, COVID and all its consequences remains the apparently sole news item, with continuous arguments from all sides of society with their particular agendas:

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